Travel Times and Basic GTCs between Spanish Provinces circa 1867 and Geolocation of Railway Stations and Stops (1848-1930)

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Travel Times and Basic GTCs between Spanish Provinces circa 1867 and Geolocation of Railway Stations and Stops (1848-1930)

We provide a first estimation of ground travel times between Spanish provinces circa 1867 (with a basic indicator of generalized transportations costs [GTCs]) and the geolocation of railway stations and stops between 1848 and 1930. This is work in progress that will be periodically updated with new times and GTCs estimations (for other years), new stop geolocations, and/or data correction when necessary.

Version: June 15, 2020

Working Paper: Travel Times, Basic GTCs, and Geolocation of Railway Stations

Dataset: Travel Times, Basic GTCs, and Geolocation of Railway Stations (use Edge or Firefox to download)


Patricio Sáiz
Sergio Barbosa
José L. Zofío