Virtual Exhibition: 200 Years of Patents (Spain 1811-2011)
Exhibition to commemorate the firsts laws on patents in Spain in 1811, 1830 and 1826 that established a modern patent system. The idea was developed during 2011 within the framework of the OEPM-UAM Agreement for the Cataloguing and Studying of Historical Patent and Trademark Documentation.
Scientific Committee and Guideline: Patricio Sáiz and Luis Blázquez
Technical Development: Francisco Llorens Acién
Text & Documentation: Patricio Sáiz, Luis Blázquez, Nadia Fernández de Pinedo, Francisco Cayón, David Pretel, Pablo Galaso, Rafael Castro and OEPM.
To visit the exhibition click here
Please cite this as: Patricio Sáiz, Luis Blázquez, et al. (2011): 200 años de patentes (1811-2011), OEPM-UAM, Madrid (click here to access the publication)