Sergio Barbosa

Ph.D. Candidate in Economics and Innovation Management (UAM)

Master in Quantitative Economic Analysis

BA in Economics (UAM)

Econometrics, Social Network Analysis, Big Data, Patents, Trademarks, Economic History

Brief CV


Digitalización, innovación, tecnología, automatización y atracción de empleo en la Comunidad de Madrid / Digitalisation, innovation, technology, automation and job attraction in the Comunidad de Madrid

From 2024-11-01 to 2027-10-31
Supported by: DGIIT - Comunidad de Madrid

Catalogación y estudio de los fondos históricos de propiedad industrial de la OEPM / Cataloguing and Studying of Patent, Trademark, and Industrial Design Historical Files at the OEPM

From 1999-01-01 to 2020-09-30
Supported by: Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas

Databases & Online Resources

2022. Saiz, Patricio; Barbosa, Sergio; Llorens, Fran. Base de datos de patentes. Cuba, 1946-1979 / Database on Patents. Cuba, 1946-1979, IBCNetwork (2020-2022). Madrid.

Publisher Link

2020. Saiz, Patricio; Barbosa, Sergio; Zofio, José Luis. Travel Times and Basic GTCs between Spanish Provinces circa 1867 and Geolocation of Railway Stations and Stops (1848-1930), IBCnetwork E-Resources. Madrid.

Publisher Link

News & Events

The Emergence and Historical Evolution of Innovation Networks. Patents, Collaboration, and National Innovation Systems in the European Periphery
2022 Nov 24 - 2022 Nov 25

Barbosa, Sergio; Saiz, Patricio; Zofio, José Luis

The Emergence of Innovation Networks: Patents, Collaboration, and National Innovation Systems in the European Periphery over the Long Term
2022 Jul 04 - 2022 Jul 06

Barbosa, Sergio; Saiz, Patricio; Zofio, José Luis

Unravelling the Brand: Does Trademark Graphic Information Really Matter?
2022 Jun 22 - 2022 Jun 24

Saiz, Patricio; Bas, Javier; Zofio, José Luis; Barbosa, Sergio

The Emergence of Innovation Networks: Patents, Collaboration, and National Innovation Systems in the European Periphery over the Long Term
2022 Jun 01 - 2022 Jun 03

Barbosa, Sergio; Saiz, Patricio; Zofio, José Luis

The Emergence of Innovation Networks: Patents, Collaboration, and National Innovation Systems in the European Periphery over the Long Term
2022 May 09 - 2022 May 10

Barbosa, Sergio; Saiz, Patricio; Zofio, José Luis

Redes de patentes e innovación en España (1878-1935)
2019 Jul 23 - 2019 Jul 25

Barbosa, Sergio; Saiz, Patricio; Galaso, Pablo

Working Papers

2020. Saiz, Patricio; Barbosa, Sergio; Zofio, José Luis. Travel Times and Basic GTCs between Spanish Provinces circa 1867 and Geolocation of Railway Stations and Stops (1848-1930), IBCNetwork E-Resources, 2020/06, Madrid.

PDF LinkPublisher LinkDirect download


2024. Barbosa, Sergio; Saiz, Patricio; Zofio, José Luis. "The Emergence and Historical Evolution of Innovation Networks: On the Factors Promoting and Hampering Patent Collaboration in Technological Lagging Economies", Research Policy 53(5), (104990).
PDF LinkPublisher LinkDirect download

2021. Barbosa, Sergio. "Patent Networks in Historical Perspective", Trabajo de Fin de Master, UAM. Madrid,

2018. Barbosa, Sergio. "Propiedad industrial y métodos de análisis de red. El sistema de patentes y los orígenes de las redes de innovación en España", Trabajo de Fin de Grado, UAM. Madrid,