Rafael Castro

Associate Professor of Economic History (UAM)

PhD in Economic History (UCM)

Graduate in Economics (UCM)

FDI, Industrial History, Business History, Networks, Transfer of Knowledge and Technology

Brief CV


Catalogación y estudio de los fondos históricos de propiedad industrial de la OEPM / Cataloguing and Studying of Patent, Trademark, and Industrial Design Historical Files at the OEPM

From 1999-01-01 to 2020-09-30
Supported by: Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas

Cultura científica, percepción y actitudes ante la ciencia y la innovación en el sector empresarial español / Scientific Culture, Perception and Attitudes towards Science and Innovation in the Spanish Business Sector

From 2015-01-01 to 2018-12-31
Supported by: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ref. CSO2014-53293-R)

Laboratorio de Indicadores sobre Cultura Científica y Empresarial / Laboratory of Proxies on Scientific and Business Culture

From 2017-01-01 to 2017-12-31
Supported by: Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) (Ref. FCT-16-10889)

Foreign Investment and Local Talent: A Dynamic Analysis of the Effects of FDI on the Enablement of Entrepreneurial and Managerial Capabilities in Late Developing Economies (FILT-project)

From 2012-01-01 to 2015-09-30
Supported by: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Dirección General de Investigación. Plan Nacional de I+D+i (Reference: ECO 2012-35266)

La Marca y su Historia: valor económico, empresarial y social / The Brand and its History: Economic, Business and Social Value

From 2012-05-01 to 2014-06-30
Supported by: UAM-CSIC (Proyectos Multidisciplinares. Ref. CEMU-2012-034)

La empresa y su contribución a la modernización económica y social de España: el papel de las redes empresariales nacionales e internacionales en el siglo XX / The Firm ant its Contribution to Spanish Economic and Social Development: The Role of Domestic and International Business Networks during the 20th Century

From 2010-01-01 to 2012-09-30
Supported by: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Plan Nacional I+D+i (Reference: BEC2003-08455 /ECON)

Business Organization in Late Developing Economies: A Dynamic and Comparative Analysis of the Urquijo Group (BOLDE)

From 2010-01-01 to 2012-09-30
Supported by: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Dirección General de Investigación. Plan Nacional de I+D+i (Reference: ECO2009-10977/ECON)

Ciencia, Tecnología y Propiedad Industrial. El papel de las patentes y las marcas en perspectiva histórica (1750-1914) / Science, Technology and Intellectual Property. The Role of Patents and Trademarks in Historical Perspective (1750-1914)

From 2011-06-01 to 2012-05-31
Supported by: Centro de Estudios de América Latina (CEAL). Séptima Convocatoria de Proyectos de Cooperación Interuniversitaria UAM – Santander con América Latina

The Keys to Internalization of the Spanish Enterprise: A Dynamic and Conceptual Analysis

From 2006-10-01 to 2009-09-30
Supported by: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Dirección General de Investigación. Plan Nacional de I+D+i Proyecto SEJ2006- 15151

Banco Urquijo, un banco con Historia / "Banco Urquijo", a Historical Bank

From 2008-01-01 to 2008-12-13
Supported by: Banco Sabadell

Innovación y empresa en Europa: claves de supervivencia y competitividad / Innovation and Firm in Europe: Keys of Survivor and Competitiveness

From 2004-12-13 to 2006-12-13
Supported by: Fundación BBVA

News & Events

Technological Transfers and French Multinationals in Peripheral Markets: Derosne & Cail in the 19th Century
2019 Nov 06 - 2019 Nov 08

Castro, Rafael

Mira Wilkins Prize to Patricio Sáiz and Rafael Castro for the best article in International and Comparative Business History published in E&S during 2017
2018 Apr 09 - 2018 Dec 31

Saiz, Patricio; Castro, Rafael

Philip Scranton Prize to Patricio Sáiz and Rafael Castro for the best article published in Enterprise & Society during 2017
2018 Apr 09 - 2018 Dec 31

Saiz, Patricio; Castro, Rafael

Do Multinationals Patent to Deal with Uncertainty before Entering New Markets? Evidence from the Spanish Machinery Sector (1880s-1950s)
2017 Aug 24 - 2017 Aug 26

Álvaro, Adoración; Castro, Rafael; Saiz, Patricio

Do Multinationals Patent to Deal with Uncertainty before Entering New Markets? Evidence from the Spanish Machinery Sector (1880s-1950s)
2017 Jun 29 - 2017 Jul 01

Álvaro, Adoración; Castro, Rafael; Saiz, Patricio

Strategies of Innovation, Knowledge Transfer, and the Firm's Internationalization Dynamics
2016 Jun 23 - 2016 Jun 23

Saiz, Patricio; Castro, Rafael

Technological Transfers and Foreign Multinationals in Emerging Markets: Derosne & Cail in the 19th Century
2016 Jun 01 - 2016 Jun 02

Fernández-de-Pinedo, Nadia; Castro, Rafael; Pretel, David

Brand and Its History: Economic, Business, and Social Value
2014 Sep 04 - 2014 Sep 05

Saiz, Patricio; Castro, Rafael

Brands and Its History: Economic, Business, and Social Value
2014 May 22 - 2014 May 23

Saiz, Patricio; Castro, Rafael

Working Papers

2018. Rey-Rocha, Jesús; López, Irene; Castro, Rafael; Cuesta, María José; Fernández-de-Pinedo, Nadia; González, María Isabel; Muñoz, Félix Fernando; Osuna, María Rosario; Ribas, Purificación; Saiz, Patricio. Informe CCe 2016. Cultura científica, percepción y actitudes ante la ciencia y la innovación en el sector empresarial español, CCHS-IFS Informes y Documentos de Trabajo, 177927, CSIC.

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2013. Saiz, Patricio; Castro, Rafael. Foreign Direct Investments and Intellectual Property Rights. International Intangible Assets in Spain circa 1820–1939, UAM Working Papers in Economic History, 2013(02), SSRN.com.

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2009. Castro, Rafael; Puig, Nuria. Las empresas multinacionales extranjeras en España, El Tema de los Temas, .

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2008. Castro, Rafael. Sísifo en España: doscientos años de banca francesa en España, Asociación Española de Historia Económica, 802, EconPapers.

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2006. Castro, Rafael; Puig, Nuria. Changing and Persisting Patterns of International Investment: French and German Capital in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Spain, Business History Review on-line, .

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2023. Castro, Rafael; Cayón, Francisco. "Gérer la pénurie ou éviter le gaspillage? Le cas des infrastructures et du matériel ferroviaires en Espagne, 1936-vers 1960", Entreprises et Histoire 110, (55-68).
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2022. Saiz, Patricio; Castro, Rafael (eds.). The Brand and Its History: Trademarks, Branding, and National Identity, Routledge. London.
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2021. Castro, Rafael; Cayón, Francisco; Fernández-de-Pinedo, Nadia. Dos siglos de industrialización y cambio económico, Sintesis. Madrid.
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2021. Sánchez, Esther; Castro, Rafael. "French Multinationals and Spanish Human Capital, c. 1950s-1990s", Revue Française d'Histoire Économique 15, (88-107).
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2020. Castro, Rafael; Saiz, Patricio. "Cross-Cultural Factors in International Branding", Business History 62(1), (1-25).
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2020. Fernández-de-Pinedo, Nadia; Castro, Rafael; Pretel, David. "Technology Transfer Networks in the First Industrial Age: The Case of Derosne & Cail and the Sugar Industry (1818–1871)", Business History 62(7), (1107-1136).
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2018. Saiz, Patricio; Castro, Rafael. "Trademarks in Branding: Legal Issues and Commercial Practices", Business History 60(8), (1105-1126).
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2017. Saiz, Patricio; Castro, Rafael. "Foreign Direct Investment and Intellectual Property Rights: International Intangible Assets in Spain over the Long Term", Enterprise & Society 18(4), (846-892).
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2015. Maixé-Altes, Carles; Castro, Rafael. "Structural Change in Peripheral European Markets: Spanish Grocery Retailing, 1950-2007", Journal of Macromarketing , (doi: 10.1177/0276146715571966).
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2014. Castro, Rafael; Sánchez, Esther. "How Does Knowledge Cross borders? The SOFRE GROUP in the Spain of the Planning, 1959-1976", Industrial and Corporate Change , (doi: 10.1093/icc/dtu026).
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2013. Castro, Rafael; Sánchez, Esther. "Foreign Assistance to a "Closed Economy". The Case of French Firms in Spain, c. 1941-1963", Enterprise and Society 14(03), (606-641).
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2012. Castro, Rafael. La banca francesa en España en el siglo XX, Banco de España. Madrid.
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2012. Castro, Rafael. "Transferencia de conocimiento en la España del Desarrollismo: el caso de las empresas francesas de consultoría técnica", Transportes, Servicios y Telecomunicaciones 22, (34-64).
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2011. Castro, Rafael; Fernández, María. "Looking for the Perfect Structure: The Evolution of Family Office from a Long-Term Perspective", Universia Business Review 32, (82-93).
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2010. Castro, Rafael. "«Máquinas de vender». Una historia de la gran distribución francesa en España desde los años sesenta", Revista de Historia Industrial 44, (97-136).
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2009. Castro, Rafael. "Liderando el ataque al monolito: la banca francesa en España desde 1959", Investigaciones en Historia Económica 05(13), (133-168).
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2009. Castro, Rafael. "Experiencias previas a la gran internacionalización de la empresa española: el mercado francés y las instituciones 1949-1980", Información Comercial Española, Revista de economía 849, (39-54).
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2009. Puig, Nuria; Castro, Rafael. "Patterns of International Investment in Spain, 1850-2009", Business History Review 83(03), (505–537).
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2008. Castro, Rafael. "Danone", in Ribera, Francesc (ed.), Los números uno en España, Dobleerre. Barcelona, (131- 145).
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2008. Castro, Rafael; Puig, Nuria; Álvaro, Adoración. "Las empresas multinacionales extranjeras en España", in Ribera, Francesc (ed.), Los números uno en España, Dobleerre. Barcelona, (1-15).
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2007. Castro, Rafael; Puig, Nuria; Álvaro, Adoración. "European Challenges and Opportunities: The Role of Europe in the Internationalization of Spanish Firms", in Schröter, Harm Gustav (ed.), The European Enterprise. Historical Investigation into a Future Species, Springer. Berlin, (269-279).
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2007. Castro, Rafael. "Historia de una reconversión silenciosa. El capital francés en España, c. 1800-1936", Revista de Historia Industrial 33, (81-118).
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